It was the tiniest thing I ever decided to put my whole life into.
-Teri Guillemets

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Ready for my first school pictures. Cheeeeese!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Loving this Time of Year! :]

As most of you can see, I'm really not much of a Blogger (considering I haven't updated since June!) When I initially started this blog I thought I was going to have time to sit and write stories about our fun and crazy filled life. Boy was I wrong! If I'm not working, I'm playing. (with bay!) If we are not playing she is napping. When B is napping I'm cleaning. (If I'm not napping too!) In the evenings I'm cooking, feeding, cleaning and bath time with B (all with Js help of course!). With Bedtime just around the corner, I try to get as much time in with B as I can. Once she is down. I just like to relax and spend time with J and watch some TV. So when I finally have time to sit and blog, I just flat out dont feel like it!! As you can see......I do not have time to sit and just write and write and write some more. hehe :] I must say that I am definitely going to try and do better so that I can keep everyone updated on how our precious baby girl is doing.

So..quick update! This month has been huge for us! J and I just celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary on the 10th! The past 3 years have been so amazing and such a blessing to the two if us ..I love you JLR! :] Also, on Nov 4th our sweet Baylen Kate turned 10 months old!!! I cant believe she is getting so big! Weighing in at 20lbs, with 4 teeth, a head full of hair, crawling, pulling up, taking steps, waving, clapping, and all smiles and giggles. She has truly stolen my heart! I am so excited about this holiday season because we get to share every moment with her :] Here are some updated photos since my last post....

4th of JuLy....6 months old!!!

                                                         Lounging with daddy....7 months!!

Meeting Bobby Bowden...8 months!!!

Brush em' Brush em' brush em'!!
8 months :]

At the Fair...9 months!!

Burt's Pumpkin Farm....9 1/2 months!!

On our way to christmas village 2010!!....10 months old :]

                                       Our 3 year anniversary trip to Atlanta :]

                                                                    I love him!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Toes in the Sand!!

Our first trip to the beach  was May 21-23. We traveled to St. Augustine Beach for a family members wedding. Unfortunately it was a rather short trip, but we had a blast!

Day one...
We hit the road beach bound around 3:00 am on Friday morning..We figured this would be best since Baylen usually sleeps until around 7-8 am.  It was the best decision ever because she slept about 3/4 of the trip!! She actually did very well the times when she was awake because I rode in the back with her :)  Besides a few occasional stops for food and a doodie diaper..we managed to make great timing! ( alittle less than 7 hours to be exact!) When we arrived we met up with my sister-in-law and her family to have lunch and then we all hit the beach a runnin'!!

                                                                      Loving the sand!!

sweet toes in the sand :)

nappy time in the sunshine!

We were able to stay at the beach the enitre day until early evening. It was very hot but we were all loaded up with sunblock of course! Baylen LOVED the beach. The ocean on the other thats just not included! The water was freezing so she didn't like that too much..but she liked the sand and sun! After a a little fun in the sand building a sea turtle, a few cat naps in the sun and just socializing...we all hit the pool!!

The pool was heated at the resort so  you gotta know Baylen loved that! We carried a mommy and me float and it was perfect. She loved every minute of the pool water...even being splashed!! We definitely didn't miss a smile :)

in the pool!!

After a fun filled day of sunshine and sandy toes....we all hit the showers to get ready for dinner. We ate dinner downtown Historic St. Augustine's St. George street at a small pub style restaurant called Harry's...Very Yummy!! St. George street is full of door to door shops and restaurants, live music, carraige rides and bicycle taxies...very vintage atmosphere!  (St Augustine is actually the oldest European established city and the oldest port in the US!)

Day two...
The wedding day. My husband's cousin John Sweat Jr was married in a town called Greencove Springs. It a small town where Jeremy's Grandfather's family is from. It was about 30 min from St. Augustine Beach. It was a very nice ceremony and we were thrilled to see my husbands family that went do not get to see that often. Baylen was so great at the wedding. She is such a good baby so I didnt doubt for a second that she wouldn't be :)

                                                              Baylen at the wedding :)

After the wedding and reception we headed back to St. Augustine so that we could hit the beach again! It was pretty late in the afternoon so we only spent a few hours at the beach and pool. Baylen was lovin' every minute!! Her favorite was definitely the pool :)

Later in the evening we went to eat at Schooners and had some yummy seafood with some of my husband's family who live in the area (Who can go to FL and not eat some fresh sea food??)

Day three...
Home Sweet Home here we come! We had such a great trip. Baylen was a little angel :) She did very well considering we were not at home in our normal enviornment. I wondered the whole way to FL how she would do not having her crib, swing and walker, etc. She was perfect! She slept in the bed with us both nights and slept all night long..its funny because she fell asleep snuggled against me and we woke up with her snuggled up with jeremy both mornings...she is such a little stinker :) I really wished we could have stayed longer but it was just a short and sweet trip to attend the wedding and a chance to take her to the beach for the first time...if all goes well, we hope to take a cruise with her next spring! :)

Publish Post

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Being a Momma and Lovin' Every Minute!

Better late than never. So here goes..

May 9, 2010 was my very first mothers day! It was was an amazing day spent with my family and a day for me to realize how greatful I am for the life that I have been given, for the wonderful family that I am apart of, and for for my beautiful healthy daughter who made me a mommy back in January :)

The day began early with a yummy breakfast that my husband fixed for us. I just loved his scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon mix! After breakfast, Jeremy broke out the video camera to capture the footage of me opening all my precious gifts that he and Baylen had prepared for me. It was then time to get ready for church.

We attended church with my family. I was so excited, because as long as I can remember the church as always recognized the youngest mother, oldest mother, and the mother with the most children and grandchildren. I was actually the youngest mother and recieved a gift!

Early afternoon we spent time with my husbands family and cooked out at his grandmothers house. There are lots of grandchildren in his family so we had a great time with all the kids :) Later in the evening we had dinner with my family at chilies restaurant.

I am so proud to say that I am a momma. My whole outlook on life as changed in such a good way :) I spend so much time being a mommy that I sometimes wonder what in world I use to do with all of my time??(way to much TV I know for sure!) I definitely feel like every moment of everyday is time well spent now and my free time is much more productive!

The mothers day definitely went by way to fast but it was great! Not only did I enjoy spending the day with Baylen, but I enjoyed spending time with my mother and my grandmothers as well. My mom is a wonderful person and she does alot for me and my husband. She keeps Baylen for us while we both work full-time M-F jobs. I would be so lost without her help...You always hear people say that when you become a mom that things just come natural and you know exactly what to do and how to care for your baby. This seems to be proven true, but I believe that its actually all learned. Learned from your own mother. I know that I have soaked in and learned from my mom from as early as I can remember. I know without a doubt, that I wouldnt be where I am today without the love and teaching from both of my parents.(Yes my dad gets tons of credit too!!) My brother and I were deeply loved while we were growing up. My parents would do whatever they had to do to provide for us so that we could always have nice things (clothes,toys, cars etc) I also know that my parents were always so very proud of us. It made me want to succeed because I know how they always felt when we would do something good :) I have always said I hope I can be at least half the parent to my children that my parents were to me! (Especially my mom since this is for mothers day!!) I love my mom so much and I love my sweet baby girl more than anything in this world. The circle of life is amazing!!

Happy LATE Mothers Day to all of you wonderful mommies!! ...Life is so good :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

4 months and growing...

4 months ago today our lives changed so much. Our sweet Baylen Kate was born! I can hardly believe that she is 4 months old. I look at her everyday and just simply cant get enough of her! She is so beautiful and I just love every inch of her :) She is growing and changing in so many ways day by day. My most favorite moment of each day is seeing her smiling face as soon as she wakes up. Baylen is such a happy baby! Only cries when she is hungry, tired or occasionally when she has a wet or poopy diaper. (Most of the time she is still smiling even with a stinky on!! ) I tell my husband everyday that we have been blessed with an "Angel" baby. (Need I remind myself that it will not happen twice!) At 4 months old she has never been sick (As I knock on wood!!)  and she has always eaten well even after switching from breast milk to formula with absolutely no signs of reflux. At one point she experienced slight constipation after starting the formula, but that was quickly managed and now its fine :) Sleeping is another blessing that she gives us! She averages 10-12 hours a night with no wake-ups. We have just recently broke the habit of being swaddled and she is doing great!  Her average bedtime is between 8:30-9:00 (On most nights) and she sleeps until 6:30-8:00 am. I leave every morning at 6:30 for work and on most stays she is still snoozing when I leave. If she happens to wake, those are usually the days I'm late!!  Hmmm..I wonder why? :)

Baylen is getting stronger and stronger by the day. She has complete control of her head now and we are currently working on sitting up. She is actually doing a great job and sits well if she is supported...go B!! She enjoys tummy time, but only for short periods throughout the day. I think she looks like a little fishy on her tummy. She always has those little arms and legs going like she is ready to take off.....but its going to be a while for that!! She is reaching and grabbing for objects. She will hold and shake a rattle or toy if its placed in her hand. I would say for the most part that she is on track for her age. Pretty good considering she was born 3 weeks early! 

We have just recently started solid feedings (a week ago).. Bay gets oatmeal or rice cereal for breakfast with her morning bottle and rice cereal with her nite nite bottle. She is actually doing very well and its so much fun feeding her, even though she makes quite the mess!! Her 4month checkup is actually tomorrow, so we plan to discuss with Dr T. about the progression of her feedings to veggies/fruit and so forth..

Baylen loves to soak up the sunshine!  She loves going for walks in her stroller and in our baby bjourn carrier. She loves licks from Jax and Lana ,occasional picnics in the park and just simply just being outside. She loves to smile, coo, and squeal especially at her daddy! She loves cartoons, her bouncy seat and she even still loves her swing!! She loves bath time, tummy time and story time! She loves to be held, rocked, and sang too. She loves to have her toes kissed and her belly kissed...that always makes her smile!! She loves her boppy pillow and we are currently learning to love our bumbo. She especially love her Silly Buddy Emmie, we do not leave the house without her! She loves car rides, music, and dancing with me in our living room floor.She loves to be rubbed with lotion and to have her hair dried with the blow dryer. She loves pony rides on her daddy's knee and looking over our shoulders. She loves to always see and know whats going on! She loves her family and most importantly she loves her mommy and daddy and we love her too!!